What Can You Do For Yourself? You Can Be Proactive

What can you do for yourself?  You can be proactive

The problem with many of us is that we think we will be happy when we reach a certain level in life. Unfortunately, it is a dangerous spiral that you only see happiness in the future and that you set conditions on it. But you can be proactive in improving your situation.

The carrot we hang in front of us can, depending on how we handle it, be a great motivation or a constant source of frustration. The question now is: what can you do for yourself? How can you be proactive in your goat life?

Remember that the time you have now is the only one that is guaranteed. Life is happening right now . To no longer place conditions on your happiness in the future, and to break the chains of guilt that you have dragged with you from the past… It is to live “here and now”. You can be proactive and give the moment a chance.

Some people say they have not “found themselves” yet. But that self is not something that you find but something that you create. There is only a small part of the universe that you are guaranteed to be able to improve (even when you sometimes do not know how) and that is yourself.

When someone makes you happy, you somehow also underestimate your own way of making yourself happy. Happiness is often found where we decide to look for it. If we are proactive and seek happiness within the opportunities we have, we will probably find it.

Woman with sunflower

In life, you very rarely get opportunities; you create them. We will never be completely sure that something works, but we know that it will not work if we do not do something. We have everything we need here and now to take the next step. So be proactive and look for those opportunities.

Instead of waiting for amazing things to happen – marriage, children, winning the lottery – you can place your happiness in places that are closer in time. We’re talking about those ‘little things’. To enjoy a cup of coffee, the smell of a homemade meal, the fun of sharing something, to enjoy moments with your friends or your partner.

To try to be someone else is to waste the person you are. You can be yourself. Be the person you know you are; work with the best version of yourself. The version that you have been pushing aside for so long that she has become a stranger to you. You may also be afraid of her because she has become a stranger.

One of the biggest challenges for people who want to grow is to learn to accept what cannot be changed. Sometimes it is better to accept and adapt than to go around and around something that has no solution.

It may sound harsh and sad, but the world puts limits on us that we can not always skip or walk around. It is therefore not about accepting a mediocre life, but learning to love and appreciate things when they are not perfect, even yourself.

Woman laughing

Many people decide at some point in life to indulge in their careers, but few move on after they have overcome the first obstacles. You can be proactive when it comes to your choices and mistakes and do not avoid what will help keep your motivation up, because motivation is the light and energy that will make you move forward.

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