Worry And Anxiety Are Best Friends

Anxiety and anxiety are best friends

Anxiety and anxiety go together. Once this has started rolling, there is no way to stop it. Anxiety is as harmful as anger because it is slowly broken down. At the same time, it can also paralyze us. Worrying has a major impact on health. Our body becomes stiff and we feel more upset.

It is true that everyone worries sometimes. It is something natural and completely normal. The problem arises when anxiety begins to affect us. Worrying too much and blaming yourself for almost everything is one of the biggest problems that people encounter.

Endless worry and anxiety

Remember that anxiety has a lot to do with how we confront different situations. It seems that some people do not worry at all and that others tend to worry about everything. Is it really good to worry so much?

Worrying can be positive as long as you can reflect on the situation that is bothering you and eventually resolve it. But if it stays in the mind and never ends, nervousness and anxiety will show.


It is true that anxiety is related to fear. It is therefore sometimes good to stop and ask ourselves if there is something in our lives that we are not doing well. In fact, we are sometimes aware of a situation that we do not like, but because we do not put an end to it, the negative thoughts return. This can affect our health in the long run.

Anxiety has a goal: to find solutions to possible threats. Then we must achieve these solutions. If we do not do this, our minds will continue to warn us that we must solve the problem, causing one concern after another.

Therefore, these thoughts can exert pressure, so that you can become aware that you can no longer ignore the situation. Nausea, body aches, anxiety: these symptoms can occur for no apparent reason. But you know there is a reason behind them. It’s time to shop.

I want to stop worrying so much

To stop worrying so much, we must act. If we let all these things stay in our minds, if we ignore that there is a problem we have to solve, then this will ultimately affect our health.


Because of all this, we want to share with you some simple steps that you can start using so as not to worry so much. As we have already explained, it’s time to act, so stop thinking so much and move on:

  • Write down what you are worried about. You may not like having to write down everything you think about, but when you do, it will help you. Writing will also help you get your thoughts in order so that you can see things more clearly.
  • Ask yourself questions. When we worry, we have to ask ourselves questions such as whether we can really solve the situation that affects us so much. If you notice that you can not do anything about it, then it’s time to stop worrying.
  • Do what you have to and do it today. If you think about what you need to do but always put it off, your problems will only increase.
  • Get help from the people you love the most. It is now time for you to entrust yourself to the people you trust the most. Maybe they can help you see the situation in a different way. They will also help you clear your mind.
  • Think about the benefits. Even if you are afraid of facing a certain situation, keep in mind that nothing is worse than worrying. It is frightening to confront a situation when you do not know how to solve it or what will happen, but think about the benefits this will bring. Think about the great weight that will be lifted from your shoulders.

Worrying is a positive thing, but make sure it does not become a constant part of your life. When anxiety knocks on the door, it is a warning that something is not right. It’s time for you to start asking yourself why you are not doing something about it.

The faces

Standing still and continuing to worry is not a solution. Talk to your loved ones. Make an effort to confront the problem. Although it may scare you, keep in mind that it will get worse if you do not stop it. Do you not think it’s worth the risk? You have nothing to loseā€¦

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