Your Child Will Follow Your Example, Not Your Advice

Your child will follow your example, not your advice

It can be complicated and difficult to help a child develop in life, to be happy and achieve their goals, to learn things and to achieve personal development. As a mom or dad, you need to be aware that your children will follow your example when it comes to their behavior.

You will notice that the child will follow your example while growing up, and also be aware of behavior patterns that you yourself may not even know you have. Being a parent means that you are an example for the child, and this example will shape the child’s life pattern.

Years of childhood and adolescence

Childhood and adolescence bring with them many challenges for a child’s life and also for the parents’. The reason for this is that the child begins to integrate into the family, with all its habits and specific “cultures” as well as values ​​and principles.

Mother and child

For this reason, it is important what your child learns. In addition to learning from your parents, he or she will also learn from his or her friends, teachers, etc. He or she will value these social circles and follow many of its behaviors.

The Council must be involved in the action

Children perceive everything, and therefore everything you say must also be followed up with actions. If you as a parent give advice regarding a certain thing but then act the other way around, your child will probably follow your example and not what you say. The child may often point out that you are not acting in accordance with what you say, which can make you aware of your own weaknesses and defects.

Therefore, it is important to be consistent when teaching your child something. The child understands it as it should, but if you are consistent with your actions, this will better shape the child for the future. Your child admires you and sees you as his or her own mirror where he or she can look for answers to his or her questions.

Some advice for your child to follow your example


We have said above that raising a child can be complicated, and it does not get any easier when you realize that you are the focus of their attention. Much of what a child learns comes from what you teach, but these tips can also be helpful:

  • First and foremost, it is important to take advantage of everyday life: Health, having good table manners, suitable times, etc. can help us strengthen habits and a child’s behavior.
  • Communication is also important between parents and children, and should accompany your daily actions: Every gesture, expression and word will help you get to know your child and vice versa.
  • Standards are another important point: they should be clear and come with consistent explanations. It is important that the child understands that there are rules that must be followed. Show the child care but also responsibility.
  • Something that can happen when your child follows your example and not your advice is that you are wrong. But do not forget that the whole world makes mistakes and so do you: Your child must know that there is a margin of error in life.

If we acknowledge our mistakes and show that you can learn from them, our children will see this as a life experience. It may seem complicated many times, but it’s as simple as saying sorry.

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